
CBD Oil for Pets 250mg Chicken Flavor

Original price was: $43.69.Current price is: $34.95.

Our CBD Oil for Pets 250mg is the perfect way to help your furry friend live a happier and healthier life! Our product encourages calm, relaxation, and even restful sleep by reducing anxiety. Plus it offers all-natural benefits like boosting wellness in general which helps keep them feeling good inside (and out), while still providing those key anti-inflammatory agents that fight chronic illnesses such as joint and arthritis pain – without any worrisome side effects whatsoever! Get ready because we’ve got some great news: this high potency serving contains just 1/10th ounce of extract per day so you’ll never run low on pure excellence again.

Product Info

  • One 30ml bottle of CBD Pet Oil
  • 250mg of CBD per bottle
  • Easy to administer
  • Tested by Independent Labs
  • Made in America

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Is This Human Grade CBD Oil?

You can be sure that your pet will get only the highest quality care with our CBD Oil for Pets 250mg, which is made just as rigorously for pets. We take great pride in products that meet or exceed human-grade standards on every product we carry—including this one!
As mentioned before, if you have any questions about how well these products work or what they’re precisely composed of then please feel free to reach out anytime through the social media channels listed below:

How Do I Give CBD Oil To My Pet?

Administering CBD oil to your pet is easy! You can apply the drops directly onto their tongue or cheek/gum line. Our delicious chicken flavor makes it even more enjoyable for pets, who will love getting a tasty treat. if they’re not too keen on the idea, then just add some oil to their food so that they get all those benefits from eating something they are used to. All without having any negative side effects on them at all – unlike other treatments out there that use toxic chemicals to which pets often don’t respond well.

How Long Does It Take For CBD Oil To Work?

Your pet will feel the effects of CBD oil as it is absorbed quickly and have an effect on them right away. Typically in just a few minutes! And you don’t need to worry about any unwanted side effects. We’ve got all those covered too, so your furry friend can enjoy their new life with ease and comfortability

Will It Make My Pet Get High?

There is no chance that CBD will make your pet “high,” at least not in the way that THC does. Unlike its cousin, tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which provides psychoactive effects and produces feelings of intoxication for humans when they consume it, pure cannabis extract doesn’t interact with brain receptors to produce any type of positive or negative side-effects on our bodies–and this includes pets too! Rather than interacting directly through brain membranes like many drugs do, cannabidiol works closely alongside cellular junctions where hormones are produced; meaning you can expect a variety of benefits instead of just one huge feeling.

Is CBD Oil for Pets 250mg Safe For Newborn Pets?

While CBD oil is safe and effective for virtually all pets, it’s a good idea to speak with your family veterinarian before introducing CBD to pets age 3 months or younger.

Why Buy CBD Oil for Pets 250mg From Us?

We are different in the industry. While many companies try to take advantage of customer ignorance, we offer only high-quality products at reasonable prices with a dedication that cannot be matched by any other company out there today! Many stores operate as “private label” or contract manufacturers without even owning an actual building – which means they don’t have access to all sorts of resources available internally within organizations like ours does because then you would truly care about your customers’ well being instead of just making money off them right?? Well guess what: It’s just not what we do. See all our pet products here.

Additional information

Weight4 oz
Dimensions2.5 × 2.5 × 3.75 in